Monday, November 15, 2010

You Gonna Use That Potty Spot?

I have gotten what a lot of people think they covet- a handicapped parking tag, or as my son used to say, “The Potty Spot”.  When he was just a toddler he went with me to the hospital where I worked.  There were handicapped parking spaces everywhere.  He always was, and still is, an inquisitive boy, and he asked hundreds of questions whenever we went anywhere.  I could see the wheels turning in that little brain of his.  He was staring intently at the handicapped parking places.  “Why are all those people going potty?”  “What?”  I responded, very confused.  “The people on those signs.  Why are they all going potty?”  Oh, now I understood.   Yes, the handicapped symbol does look like someone going potty.  Every time I see that symbol I think of that day.  Thus, I now have the desirable “Potty Spot.

It is a temporary tag and has an expiration date of March 31, 2011.  I feel in a way it is an expiration date for me.  It makes me feel stressed.   I have until the end of March to be back to normal.  Now, I know that is really not the case.  I know it can be renewed, but somewhere inside of me that is how I feel.  It has already been 4 months and in 4 more months I should be completely better.   Right?  Hmmm, not so sure about that.  In fact after posting my blog about staying positive, I have had one of my worst weeks recently both painfully and emotionally.  Instead of the now normal blowtorch feeling, I have felt I have been followed by a fire breathing dragon.   This has made me especially snippy and crabby.   I really need to listen to my own words of advice.   I have gone back and read my post many times over the past week to remember to stay optimistic.  

I requested my parking sticker after attending one of my son’s cross country race events.  There was no parking close by and I had to walk quite a ways to get there.  It totally exhausted me.  I felt like my legs had turned into rubber, like Stretch Armstrong.   They throbbed with pain, and were buckling from the fatigue.  To avoid that from happening again, my husband filled out an application for me.  I have had it for a few weeks, but I can’t bring myself to use it.  For years I, like many others I am sure, have thought I would love to park in one of those longed for spots.  No longer would I have to park a mile away from a super store’s entrance.     I would have that prime piece of real estate right outside the door.  Each time I have planned to use it though, for some unknown reason, the parking space right next to the handicapped parking has been available.  I mean EVERY time, without fail.  I choose the one equally close, in case someone who needs it more will have it still available.  But even if it was my only choice, I feel quite different about using it from what I thought I would.   I don’t want to use it; I don’t want to have a reason to be there.  If any of you are “Losties”, you may remember an episode where John Locke refuses to park his handicapped van in a designated accessible spot.  His response, “I don't have to park there! I can park anywhere I want!”  I think in a way that is how I feel.  No one can make me park there! 

 Luckily I have not had to use it yet; however, this week has reminded me that I am far from 100%.  I need to conserve my energy so I can do what errand I am there for.  My legs just won’t let me travel the distance I once did with them.  I definitely still need that as an option for me.   I am thankful that I am well enough to take the next spot when it is available.  Some people affected by Fluoroquinolones are not that fortunate and need those spaces so they can access their wheelchairs.  I am grateful I am not one of those people.   I am hoping that when the March expiration comes around I will not have to renew my parking tag.  After all, I really don’t want to have to go potty there. 


Nikki M said...

At first I had no idea what you were talking about, then I got it LOL! I just got my placard today, it expires 2-28-11. They counted the 8 weeks it took them to send it to me as time? What a joke. Anyway, just wanted to say, I felt the same way as you described, like it is a deadline, to get better. Let's pray we both meet those deadlines! Thanks for the blog!

lmccand said...

Thanks Nikki, I hope you don't have to renew yours either. Don't let others bring you down. Keep on, keepin on. :-)