
This is not an all inclusive list of publications on these topics.  These are books that I have read and found helpful:

Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

(This author shares his story of his wife's battle with Fluoroquinolone Toxicity after receiving Levaquin)

Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy: When the Numbness, Weakness, and Pain Won't Stop (Book published by the American Academy of Neurology~ It has a very short paragraph that acknowledges that Fluoroquinolones can cause this type of damage.  It is a very well written informational book, and has personal accounts at the end.)

Chronic Illness 

Brain Storms: Surviving Catastrophic Illness 
by Les Duncan  A personal account of one man's experience dealing with a life changing illness and how keeping a positive attitude makes a world of difference in recovery.

(A true life account of a woman and her physician as they journey together through her chronic illness)

(This book gives insight into your own frustrations and emotions of dealing with an illness.   Not only is it beneficial for the person experiencing the illness, but for family members as well.)

Beyond Casseroles: 505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend (This is a small, but wonderful book, which gives great practical suggestions on how to be supportive of those dealing with illness.)